
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Learning Modules In Action

I think you short change your learning styles.  
I am curious about the manner of tests that were used to determine if these modules work and how long they were used before making a determination.

Mr. Gardner, I came upon your Models of Intelligence accidentally after having already developed my own speculative theory, which ended up matching your Modules.   There are a couple of things that I want to direct our attention to in your apology for not using the styles, but bottom line is that
right here you say it all:

1.       Individualize your teaching as much as possible. Instead of “one size fits all,” learn as much as you can about each student, and teach each person in ways that they find comfortable and learn effectively. Of course this is easier to accomplish with smaller classes. But ‘apps’ make it possible to individualize for everyone.
2.        Pluralize your teaching. Teach important materials in several ways, not just one (e.g. through stories, works of art, diagrams, role play). In this way you can reach students who learn in different ways. Also, by presenting materials in various ways, you convey what it means to understand something well. If you can only teach in one way, your own understanding is likely to be thin."

When i first began to write about this mode of education I never meant for it to totally replace the standard.  Here is why; i home schooled my children for a number of years and, while one daughter needed to learn on a looser program and with out the heavy structure at first....just enough to help her realize that at some point it all had to be done; the other child needed the consistent structure and Rules.  That being said, there is a certain amount of rules that need to go along with the lessons, while at the same time keeping the door open for those students who may seem to be "impulsive" or to learn impulsively.  There is a need for busy desk work in order to form the understanding of routine, but there is also the time of free play in learning.  Begin even this with structure, like kindergarten or the way it used to be; Give the students the graphs and diagrams and "blueprints" of the outcome and possibilities of each area of study.  Let them see how the lessons and mastering can be used even while they are still in the learning process.

There needs to be something specific that the students are working towards, to bring a sense of Unity among them.  This is because in the initial stages of  setting these tables and booths out things can become chaotic.  We want to temper this with a specific focus.
While I knew, during my scheming process that this might be true, it was not until 4 years ago while I was in Venus Florida where the Venus project, and Roxanne and Jacque are located, that I hit on what was needed.
While communication, online... for jacque didn't exactly want to see me, for reasons I will not detail here, but we did communicate and he did open my eyes, as I did his, on what we each were meaning when we described things like open opportunity for all student, and the use of robotics to get tasks done.
Jacque has models of his ideas, of his cities and townships but they are not actual working models.
We are going to work to Make them working modules, beginning small, and then branching out to miniature golf style communities of modules and put the ideas to work.

Empty office complexes

There.  That is the basic idea.  Also included, although this may be down the road, are the field trips to other countries.  There are a number of nations that are already using advanced means of powering their towns.  We learn from them... of course this is later, and goes into a bunch of political stuff that I am not exactly prepared to cover here.
so, lets box that idea up and save it on one of the walls as an idea box for awhile.

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